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The Absolution of Fear

The next step

The Nativa 2  is a 5 day class focussed on the rewriting of your neural pathways. After getting into your roots, your conditions and patterns you have a clear view of where you are in this human experience. Nativa 1 has given you the foundation you needed to deepen and anchor.


When we have awareness about the different constructions we consist of we can go deeper into this space of awakening. We can  jump into a state of madness with full faith and commitment, knowing that we are the universe in motion. Godlike beings expressing ourselves in the realm of matter. Going through life and meeting  yourself will be a never ending project. The layers of you will change by the hand of the choices you make, and we know now, life is a choice.


So there is not an end to this ´work´,  but we do believe in more freedom and joy once you start to surrender to the absolution of fear.


Nativa Class 2


22th till 26th March 2024


Vlamboog Hoofddorp


This class is only for students who already have been in Nativa Class 1 "Identity Construction". 


Abundance Ticket: €3200,- (Including VAT). If you can afford it and want to support the journey of others. ​

​Regular Ticket: € 2904, – (Including VAT). The regular price for participating in the retreat. Please contact us if you prefer to pay (max 3) installments at

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