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vr 22 mrt


Vlamboog Hoofddorp

NATIVA CLASS 2 - The Absolution of Fear

The second class of Nativa, the what's next edition. We dive in to what is Awakening, the rewriting of your neural pathways and the celebration of the Divine.

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NATIVA  CLASS  2 - The Absolution of Fear
NATIVA  CLASS  2 - The Absolution of Fear

Time & Location

22 mrt 2024, 11:00 – 26 mrt 2024, 18:00

Vlamboog Hoofddorp

About the event

Hello dear Community, we are expressing our gratitude for your support last year, especially the last month during the opening of the Nativa House in Hoofddorp. It feels amazing to have put down our roots and to continue building our community.

What an amazing journey we are on! The space never felt so good.

Thanks to all this nurture we have been immensely inspired. Because you've been with us, supporting us, walking besides us.

We are very excited to be able to invite you to our newest Class. Nativa Class 2: The Absolution of Fear.

During the first class we've been focussing on your identity construction, meaning getting to know your Spirit, Body, Mind and mapping your experience with a new perspective. Introducing Choice into your life. Which has led all of us to some level of awakening.

You've got to practise, map and gain awareness of the choices you made in life and the reasons why you choose certain paths in life, only to get more autonomy in life.

But then, the question arises. Now what? The awakening is a practice and Nativa 2 will be your guideline in this part of your journey.

After the Deconstruction of Identity in Nativa Class 1 we will move on with The Absolution of Fear in Nativa Class 2.

This class is about the next step. Deepening the field of awakening, expanding consciousness and rewriting your neural paths in a sober and mindful way. We will make sure you will know how to hold yourself in the process of life and always have a map to find your way back to your highest self at any given time.  The absolution of fear is a class designed to help you to connect with a life that is lived out of the heart, the spirit, the divine. Not claiming fear wont be a part of life anymore, but claiming to be able to sit with fear and insanity to evolve, instead of stagnating.

We would love to see you and walk with you this Nativa Week.🍃


This class is a 5 day class. Starting at 11:00 till approx 19:00 (times are not set but a aim)

Deepening of Awakening

Ceremony Day

22th till 26th of March. - Full class days from 11:00 till 20:00 (times are not set but a aim). During this week we will accommodate basic snacks, lunch and dinner during the day. One on one guidance, workbooks and cognitive tools.


Abundance Ticket: €3200,- (Including VAT). If you can afford it and want to support the journey of others. ​

​Regular Ticket: € 2904, – (Including VAT). The regular price for participating in the retreat. Please contact us if you prefer to pay (max 3) installments at

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